Sunday, September 20, 2015

Running and math class

WOW! So I’ve been like perpetually behind lately, but this weekend I got 100% caught up and have a plan that will hopefully help me to never be this behind again. 

So what has happened since the first week of school?
I have learned almost all of my students’ names. 187 names is a lot of names, especially when only half of them ever raise their hand. I did learn the really talkative students’ names very fast. I have learned about more paperwork that I need to do, also the fines associated with not doing them. I have learned the personalities of each class and how to change my lesson to fit that class. Each class is so different its fun to see the classes come in with different emotions each day. Sometimes they come into class very quiet and calm and sometimes they come barreling in full of excitement. Some days I wonder if anyone is home out there and other days we have the best conversations ever. We are all learning new words together and what is in and what isn’t in (by the way saying math is easy-cheese is not in) the whip is in, the science teacher wants 7th period to be quiet (I learned this because all the Honors students have me 6th, science 7th and they are always saying that the science teacher is yelling at them. She doesn’t yell at them anymore than I do but somehow she’s the bad guy, sorry science), the English teacher still has the rat and hasn’t found it yet (in college I was roommates with two of the other teachers and we had this glow in the dark small Halloween rat that we would hide in each other’s rooms, cars, backpacks and now we hide it in each others classrooms), and I still love seeing that light turn on when a student finally understands, I especially love seeing it when they are working on homework together and they are explaining their answers and settle on who has the right answer and why it’s right.

Here's the little rat we hide in each others rooms                                                                                                                                  

 Here is where I hid it in the science  room, then it got hidden in English

I also ran the Disneyland half marathon over Labor Day weekend. That was a lot of fun, but might have contributed to my being behind on paperwork. I can’t wait to run it again now that I know how it works.

Since we ran it during the diamond celebration and the 10th anniversary of the 
Disneyland half we got a ton of commemorative stuff 

This is a pin of the medal, I put it on my lanyard I wear at school

Me and mom at the running convention being silly

The shirt we get for running, the lanyard and pins
and cellphone holder I got at the expo
and my bib and information book

The night before the race making sure we were all ready for the race!
Mom is Ariel and I'm Flounder

Grading at the hotel

At the start line. There were soooo many people!

It's finally our corrals turn to start running, I can now see the starting line

Cars land

Cinderellas castle

Small world

a little over half-way done and still smiling!

The roads leading up to Angles stadium were lined with old cars
it was so cool

almost inside Angles stadium

At the finish line

In downtown Disney

After you run they give you this box of goodies

the cheese was actually pretty good, although having been 
awake for like 5 hours and not eating anything might have
had something to do with it. 

Later that same day we went to Disneyland with Auntie Lisa and Sarah and Joseph
I don't suggest going to Disneyland after running 13.1 miles but we still had fun

I bought myself a diamond anniversary hat
I was also there for the 50th anniversary and have a hat for that celebration too

At the expo you could get green screen pictures they were fun

I have also learned that I am not cool unless I have read the Michael Vey books. I think I’ll need to buy them as audio books, I have found that I really enjoy listening to audio books on my way to work, and I also don’t get as mad that the light takes forever to turn green if I’m listening to a book.

Awhile ago I read this article so I decided to try it. We needed a new seating chart in a few classes anyway and I needed to see who the students who were struggling with would talk to so I tried it. The results are somewhat surprising to me. A few of them I expected, a few of them I didn’t expect.